About Marcos
Everyone has a story.
My story started with my introduction to the arts through music. I played horns (trombone, baritone) and was relatively successful with it until I got my first guitar just before my 13th birthday. That was pretty much the end of horns for me and I really started to turn my attention towards becoming a rock star. I kept up with the horn playing to finish out high school and to help pay for college, but that was pretty much the extent of it. After years of practicing and playing in various bands, music had run it’s course for me – playing it, that is… I’ll never get music out of my system, but jamming in basements, garages and rehearsal studios had played itself out for me so I took some time to focus on what had all the while become my career.
To pay the bills while struggling as a musician, I started working in the dot com world, first as a html dude/graphic designer, then web developer. I eventually got to the point where I was managing a team of developers and designers for a large PR firm in New York City. I have had the pleasure and pain of working with huge clients in my web life (HP, P&G, Masterfoods and Pfizer to name a few) and I feel that it has prepared me well for dealing with client interactions in any field.
In 2005, I got tired of snapping pictures of my then-wife with a point-and-click Canon and decided to delve deeper into the world of photography with the purchase of my first SLR. I started, innocently enough, taking pictures of my wife and I was completely bitten by the bug. With music out of my life, I finally found something to replace the creative void left by music and fell in love with the total creative control inherent in the image-making process. I found an addiction, and luckily for me it’s one that I didn’t need to feel guilty about.
The last 16 years have been spent learning my craft, experimenting with lighting techniques, making a ton of mistakes and meeting a lot of people that I am sure will remain a part of my life for a long time (if not the rest of it). I enjoy working with people, be they models, makeup artists, stylists, actors, musicians or any other walk of life. I am intrigued by those who have a story and I hope to bring that out in the photos I make. Most of my time is spent in the studio shooting, but I am not averse to the great outdoors or alternate locations.
I am based in Las Vegas, NV, but I will travel for assignment work.
This website is an opportunity for me to show my work and talk about it a bit.
If you want to get in touch with me, you can do so through the contact page.